Phrasal verb examples

 It's very important to allow mind to learn, we have theories on learning but it consumes information in its ways, if we take abstract word from its context and equalize it with "native tongue" mind could learn to equate not the all other things. So I prepared most used phrasal verbs and example sentences. With context learning I hope they would remain in your memory with context, fast retrieval, prepared form.

Some examples are : 

Look after: She hired a nanny to look after her children while she was at work.

Deal with: The manager had to deal with a difficult customer complaint.

Look for: I need to look for my keys; I can't find them anywhere.

Rely on: I rely on my best friend for emotional support during tough times.

Grow up: She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

Wake up: I wake up feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep.

Set up: They set up a meeting to discuss the project.

Run out of: We ran out of milk, so I need to go to the store to buy some.

Search for: I've been searching for my misplaced phone all morning.

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